Rene-Jean Dard & Francois Ribo
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Dard & Ribo are vignerons in Saint-Joseph/Hermitage/Crozes-Hermitage who prefer white wines. In an area where many producers, even in less favorable sites, try for as much extraction as possible, Dard & Ribo wines present a more elegant, joyous, dare I say, drinkable alternative( not to say that their wines lack the structure and concentration to gracefully age) Maybe that is why Dard & Ribo have, at multiple occasions, ran afoul of the Inter-Rhone and their wines are defined as atypical. Yet, for those who like to drink wine pure in expression and intent, these wines are a must-have.
Sometimes a wine is forced, in that “paint by the numbers” way, to appeal to a specific demo or stay within the lines of their AOC regulations. Other times, a vigneron paves their way by making wine that reflects their “joie de vivre.” The wines of René-Jean Dard and François Ribo, vinified ‘sans soufre’ from their 8.5-hectare estate in Tain l’Hermitage, belong firmly to the latter category.
And though the star of Dard & Ribo has been steadily rising in the U.S. along with the “natural wine” movement, I was blissfully ignorant of this producer until I started with Thatcher’s Wines. It is never too late to explore.