2020 Envinate, Ribeira Sacra, Misturado Abeleda
2020 Envinate, Ribeira Sacra, Misturado Abeleda
The 2020 Misturado is a wild red from a field blend of red and white grapes, old head-pruned vines on gneiss and schist soils at 650 meters above sea level. The full clusters were foot trodden in one plastic bin, and the wine matured in neutral 228-liter oak barrels for one year. This 2020 comes from a different vineyard, and the year was very different. The cycle was shorter in 2020, the macerations were shorter, and the wine is lighter and doesn't have the roundness. It's equally as clean, aromatic, floral and attractive as the 2019, a little more herbal perhaps, minty, but it doesn't have the depth and consistency. 350 bottles were filled in November 2021.
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